As we are all aware, the world we live in today has become a very different place compared to what it used to be, and not necessarily in a good way. The world has become a place where we must be mindful about the food & water we consume, the air we breathe and our personal safety. We must be careful about the people that we may meet and interact with, the way we express ourselves & try to find enjoyment – altogether, our total well-being.

In our opinion, today’s getaway travel packages and timeshare destinations simply do not offer the proper ingredients for us to just escape and only focus on ourselves in the way that we would want.

We have been tirelessly perfecting a concept for the past few years that is checking all the boxes, something where the hospitality industry would no longer be just an Airbnb and the space is only about spending the night somewhere. Our concept is far more different than that. It’s about disconnecting from the rest of the world during your free time and only focusing on yourself. It doesn’t matter if you are a single person or a couple, but at the end of the day it is going to be about you and only you, just being yourself without being judged. It’s about disconnecting, letting your guard down and truly making yourself happy, even if it’s just for a little while.

We have taken the time to be able to come up with the perfect solution that will make people a lot healthier and much happier, create exciting job opportunities and offer the shortest amount of time for a total return on investment.

who we are